
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Roommate

It's not just a movie, my friends. The roommate comes in many varieties and some of the results of having a roommate can seem far more terrifying than being eaten by one. The truth is that issues can come up with your roomie at any time. Like for instance, you think they're totally cool, super nice and could imagine being their friend for a while, then the weekend comes. Smaller colleges aren't like large universities. They're a lot like high school, that instead of parties every day of the week, they're only on the weekends. That's when your roommate's inner party girl may come out and bitterness may arise.
Again, we have to think rationally, the first time it happens. You know, the stumbling in late, like 3 or 4 in the morning, but the like tenth time it happens, then the rage becomes a real factor.
See my roommate is a wonderful, well-behaved girl, and then the weekend comes. She gets trashed. Now, this wouldn't bother me, because everyone has the right to cut loose now and again, but there comes a point when you want to tell them it shouldn't be an every weekend kind of thing. And by every weekend, I mean EVERY weekend.
I feel like she'll call me uptight if I bring it up to her though. I'm the opposite of a party girl. My idea of a good time involves Scrabble and some Pepsi. So, this weekend when Halloween rolls around, I will be traveling home to avoid the four night party extravaganza starting Thursday, so that I can get some real sleep.
Happy Halloween to everyone and anyone that will read this blog.

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