
Friday, January 22, 2016

TGIF Everybody!!!

Hey Everybody,

We made it! We have officially gotten through the first week of classes, only fourteen more to go until finals. Unfortunately this semester is going to seem abnormally longer than last, due in full to the lack of breaks. With only one three day weekend and Spring Break, this semester's outlook is a little bleak. However, we can do much to change this. For once, we can try to stay on top of our course work.That way when the weekend rolls around, you're not bogged down with work, and if anything it's only light studying or finishing an assignment that's on your plate instead of five papers, two months worth of notes to study and laundry to do.

So when the weekend comes around, let it be you time, family time or friend time. Whatever you need to keep yourself calm and mentally healthy throughout the rest of the spring semester is what you should be doing. If you need time to yourself, don't let your friends or family convince you into going places and socializing, when all you really need is time with yourself. On the other hand you might be craving some friend time, then call everyone up and hang out. It could be a a large or small get together, whatever suits your needs. Again, you could be craving some serious family time, so make the trek home and get some love from the family, sleep in your own bed, and see some old friends.

The most important part of having a successful semester is taking care of yourself.  If you can't take care of yourself, you'll never be able to help others.

Good luck with the beginning of your semester everybody!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Starting a New Semester

Hey Everybody,

So as campus flooded with students the past few days and everyone is getting back into the groove of things it's good to remember that with a new semester can bring a new you.

Remember to be confident. A new semester is another chance to start over and not make the same mistakes that you made last semester.

Start positively, with a can do attitude.

Write down everything and be prepared for your classes, not a hangover.

When you look good, you feel good. So unless your sweatpants make your butt look great, you should retire them to your dorm and leave them there.

Make new friends in your classes. A variety of friends ranging from party friends, to we have to study together friends.

Most of all, don't sabotage yourself. Be you, and not just mediocre you, but the best version of yourself. Don't let your friends influence who you are and who you want to be.

As awful as it is, campus always seems the most full right after a break. 

And when old habits knock at your door remember what a bad impact it had on you.

So good luck as the semester begins. Be strong and kick the habit.