
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Slaying? Me vs Her? Why?

Hey Everybody,

So as a millennial, the people of our generation like to use the term slaying, when someone is wearing a really great outfit that makes them look "hot", this is used particularly between girls. I for one have a major problem with this. We are the generation that grew up with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, a girl that "slayed" every single episode. Yet somehow, we as a whole, judge people, based on how they're dressed. Should how you dress, or are able to afford to dress, really define if you're attractive? Yes, everyone deserves to be complemented, but I think that we as a culture can find better ways to complement each other, than by judging each other based off of our aesthetics. We're not a coffee table guys. We don't have to look nice, but if we do, that should be considered a bonus, not the main buying point.
Girls should tell each other they're slaying, when they kill it on a project or a test. They should tell girls they're slaying when they volunteer their time at the community center, or at the local soup kitchen. Girls should be told they're slaying when they master a talent, that they've been working on. I understand that the media has projected images of what they think we should look and act like upon us, and sometimes it's hard to face that peer pressure. And to some extent, we've tried to fix that. We talk about loving yourself and not changing yourself for someone else, but the only compliments that we give to people are based on how we look, at least 90% percent of the time.
Another thing that is prominent in social media, that deeply disturbs me are the her vs me posts. Why in the hell, in a world where society already makes it hard enough for women, would we make it harder for our fellow women? Do you see men posting pictures of a buff guy and a skinny guy with captions that say me vs him? No, why do we as women feel the need to bring other women down? I want you guys to think about that, because no one should feel less than another woman, because we're not all talented in exactly the same way. Some women can run a 4 minute mile, some women can sing like no other, some women can create a work of art that will awe the world, and some women are kick-ass at doing make-up. If everyone is unique and we're supposed to celebrate that, then why would we tear each other down. We're not all the same, and we're not all experts at everything. That's what makes us special, being different from each other in small ways, that come across as big differences.
So, I challenge my readers, to compliment at least five different people, for things that are based not on aesthetics. And please stop posting the me vs. her pictures, it's for the betterment of our society.

Thanks for reading and Good Luck with finals this week!

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