
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Late Night Thoughts...

Hey Everybody,

So for those of you that aren't on a first name basis with me and think my real name is actually UIndyGirl, here's a little tidbit about me: I love baths, especially bubble baths, and topping all of those are candle-lit bubble baths. Another thing, is that just like a shower, a bath is where I have most of my deepest thoughts. So here goes, my latest bath time thoughts. Hope they're as interesting to you as they were when I was thinking them.

Quote I thought of: "When I have something powerful enough to say that I am no longer the quoter, but the quoted, I'll know I'm successful." Think about that quote for a second and then make it your life motto. Then I really will be the quoted.

Other bath-time thoughts are:

  • So sometimes when I'm in the bath for a while I get a little Shakespearian. You know, "any other rose is just as sweet" Shakespeare. That led me to some other thoughts, like "what is in a name?" Does a name mean anything? If my name was Barb or Shirley, would I be different from who I am now? Is a name just a label for a person's body and character, like yogurt is to that one specific dairy product. An if every name is used for multiple people, but the character and body of those similarly named people are not the same, then what is a name?

I confused myself with that train of reasoning and was ready to name any future children I have after food, so that they would have unique names or labels.

  • Another thought I had was what do you do at Christmas time when you find out that you have family members that actually support Donald Trump. The options I came up with were sad at best. Option A is to duck and run as soon as you hear a mention of that floppy haired CEO turned politician. Option B is to stand there and argue with them and hope they change their opinion. It's not likely, but if you feel extra persuasive, try it. My final Option C is that you just stare into space while making strange, animal like noises, until they stop talking. 
Again, none of these plans were very well thought out, but they are probably the only actions that I could think of. 

So thanks to you guys for dealing with my bath time thoughts, and have a great winter break. Please do not cry when you get your final exam grades back.

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