
Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Years Eve!!!

Hey Everybody,

It's New Years Eve and right about now everyone is solidifying their New Year resolutions or realizing they don't have any. I never make resolutions, because I don't want to change anything about myself. I set goals, that have many parts, that way if I quit, maybe I've gotten three out of five of the little parts done of the larger goal.

So as we journey into the New Year tonight, for all you seniors out there, these last few months of your college or high school careers are gonna fly by, make the best of it. Good Luck to all of you.

For the rest of us, here's some tips and ideas about New Year's resolutions:

Even if this is how you feel you better remember that it's not going to be easy to stick with, but you also don't want to make a super easy resolution either...
Because even when you think it's gonna be easy, FYI, it's probably not.
If this is your real goal, it might be easier to say, I'll exercise once more a week than usual, and cut back on some desert. No need to starve yourself, or deprive yourself of the finer things in life, like chocolate.
But there are many types of resolutions, because there are many types of people, so just remember to stick with it!
Some people's resolutions are centered on getting this look from someone. But whatever floats your boat. Either way, remember that with all these resolutions, sometimes it can be hard to remember what New Years is all about. 

As for me.....

and finally I'd like to wish all my readers, a HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Oldies but Goodies...

Hey Everybody,

So at Christmastime I get nostalgic for older things and my childhood way of life, even if all the  things I'm nostalgic for don't necessarily correlate with Christmas or the holiday season itself. One of the things I find myself the most nostalgic about right now is the music we grew up with, the music that was on all the radio stations and was so popular it was in all of our favorite movie. Thank you Disney Channel and Nickelodeon for that, now I can watch old TV shows and movies while simultaneously enjoying the music of my childhood.

So here are some of the songs that I hope you're as nostalgic about as me.

Ocean Avenue
The teenage romance of this song had me ready to be a teenager in love, and heartbroken when it didn't work out. Plus the catchy beat made it hard to forget.

Bye Bye Bye
I'm pretty sure every girl in my grade new this dance, and could be the perfect puppet in hopes that someday we would be as cool as Justin Timberlake.

Smells like Teen Spirit
Even if the song itself didn't come out when we were children, but before we were born, did't mean it was't a staple on many radio stations, that we could all rock out to.

Sk8er Boy
I mean it's a grungy teenage girl, she pretty much inspired my entire middle school career.

Carry Out
This was the ultimate dance tune, don't lie. 

Promiscuous Girl
If you say you don't know all the words, you're lying, no joke

She Will be Loved
I'm pretty sure I cried my preteen eyes out to this song

Burnin' Up
Thank You Disney Channel for the video.

Beautiful Soul
Two words, Jesse McCartney and Kim Possible.

Hollywood Girl
That movie episode of Drake and Josh made my childhood.

So thanks everyone one, and I hope you're having a great holiday season. 

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Late Night Thoughts...

Hey Everybody,

So for those of you that aren't on a first name basis with me and think my real name is actually UIndyGirl, here's a little tidbit about me: I love baths, especially bubble baths, and topping all of those are candle-lit bubble baths. Another thing, is that just like a shower, a bath is where I have most of my deepest thoughts. So here goes, my latest bath time thoughts. Hope they're as interesting to you as they were when I was thinking them.

Quote I thought of: "When I have something powerful enough to say that I am no longer the quoter, but the quoted, I'll know I'm successful." Think about that quote for a second and then make it your life motto. Then I really will be the quoted.

Other bath-time thoughts are:

  • So sometimes when I'm in the bath for a while I get a little Shakespearian. You know, "any other rose is just as sweet" Shakespeare. That led me to some other thoughts, like "what is in a name?" Does a name mean anything? If my name was Barb or Shirley, would I be different from who I am now? Is a name just a label for a person's body and character, like yogurt is to that one specific dairy product. An if every name is used for multiple people, but the character and body of those similarly named people are not the same, then what is a name?

I confused myself with that train of reasoning and was ready to name any future children I have after food, so that they would have unique names or labels.

  • Another thought I had was what do you do at Christmas time when you find out that you have family members that actually support Donald Trump. The options I came up with were sad at best. Option A is to duck and run as soon as you hear a mention of that floppy haired CEO turned politician. Option B is to stand there and argue with them and hope they change their opinion. It's not likely, but if you feel extra persuasive, try it. My final Option C is that you just stare into space while making strange, animal like noises, until they stop talking. 
Again, none of these plans were very well thought out, but they are probably the only actions that I could think of. 

So thanks to you guys for dealing with my bath time thoughts, and have a great winter break. Please do not cry when you get your final exam grades back.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Slaying? Me vs Her? Why?

Hey Everybody,

So as a millennial, the people of our generation like to use the term slaying, when someone is wearing a really great outfit that makes them look "hot", this is used particularly between girls. I for one have a major problem with this. We are the generation that grew up with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, a girl that "slayed" every single episode. Yet somehow, we as a whole, judge people, based on how they're dressed. Should how you dress, or are able to afford to dress, really define if you're attractive? Yes, everyone deserves to be complemented, but I think that we as a culture can find better ways to complement each other, than by judging each other based off of our aesthetics. We're not a coffee table guys. We don't have to look nice, but if we do, that should be considered a bonus, not the main buying point.
Girls should tell each other they're slaying, when they kill it on a project or a test. They should tell girls they're slaying when they volunteer their time at the community center, or at the local soup kitchen. Girls should be told they're slaying when they master a talent, that they've been working on. I understand that the media has projected images of what they think we should look and act like upon us, and sometimes it's hard to face that peer pressure. And to some extent, we've tried to fix that. We talk about loving yourself and not changing yourself for someone else, but the only compliments that we give to people are based on how we look, at least 90% percent of the time.
Another thing that is prominent in social media, that deeply disturbs me are the her vs me posts. Why in the hell, in a world where society already makes it hard enough for women, would we make it harder for our fellow women? Do you see men posting pictures of a buff guy and a skinny guy with captions that say me vs him? No, why do we as women feel the need to bring other women down? I want you guys to think about that, because no one should feel less than another woman, because we're not all talented in exactly the same way. Some women can run a 4 minute mile, some women can sing like no other, some women can create a work of art that will awe the world, and some women are kick-ass at doing make-up. If everyone is unique and we're supposed to celebrate that, then why would we tear each other down. We're not all the same, and we're not all experts at everything. That's what makes us special, being different from each other in small ways, that come across as big differences.
So, I challenge my readers, to compliment at least five different people, for things that are based not on aesthetics. And please stop posting the me vs. her pictures, it's for the betterment of our society.

Thanks for reading and Good Luck with finals this week!

Sunday, December 13, 2015


Hey Everybody,

While I'm waiting to meet with my study group, I decided to blog at you. Remember blogging at people is not the same as lecturing someone. Over winter break, you'll probably be back at home, if you're a freshman like me. So try to stay positive while you're stuck with your family for an entire month.

 You no longer have to deal with final's week quiet hours and your RA saying:

It's the end of the semester and now you don't have to deal with the professors you hate anymore!

When you're waiting for your final grade after finals...

Your plans for break consist of....

When all of your friends forget to invite you to group activities over break...

When your friend wants to hook up with an ex over break...

When your crush doesn't text you over break...

When you ask a guy friend for advice about said crush:

What you feel like your parents are telling you when they see your final grades:

When all your friends want to do over break is drink away their sorrows:

When your parents ask why you didn't pass a class.

Thanks Guys for reading and I hope you all pass your finals, or in a miraculous world, that they're canceled. GOOD LUCK!!!!

Thanks Everyone!

Hey Everybody,

So, Monday begins my hell week of finals, and if you haven't noticed blogging has been my most effective way of procrastinating. So, I noticed that my page views have gone up. Good work guys! It makes me super happy to know that if I fail at college, I have the rest of you guys to blog at until I'm old and grey. So thanks. And by the way, this was my face when I saw all the extra blog views for today:

Now, if I could only get you guys to comment! I love feedback, in fact I crave it. So feel free to heckle me or praise me in the comments below!

Good Luck with your finals everyone, and if you're already finished with your finals, I'm completely and utterly jealous, but enjoy your break nonetheless.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Today's Conversation

Hey Everybody,

So one of my friends, has this crush and she doesn't want to let him in on her feelings. Which led to a discussion with her sister and my other friend about life, and love, and soulmates; that you just don't  want to waste time, waiting, when the person you're meant to be with could be in right in front of you. So this is my encouragement to all of you guys to say something to your crush, before this month long break. A month is a long time, and they could be with someone else by the time we're back on campus. You don't want to miss your shot at an awesome relationship, because you were too afraid.

If my heartfelt argument did nothing to convince you, then I'm going to post cute pictures that will make you want a relationship, and maybe be brave enough to put yourself out there. Some old dead guy said, "Good things come to those who wait." But another old dead guy said, "Life is full of opportunities, life's what you make of them."

So here goes, I hope I convince you to take a chance:

and finally a song to further motivate you. Life is about chances, take them.

Sorry for the heartfelt change of pace, but today's conversation just put things into perspective for me. I don't want myself or anyone to ever be sitting alone on a Friday night, feeling alone, because they're afraid to tell someone how they feel. So Good Luck in your romantic endeavors and your finals!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

For My Fellow Midwestern Girls...

Hey Everybody,

So during finals, everyone wants a person to cuddle with and listen to their problems. Some people are just horny. For those people, I'm blessing them with a few of my celebrity crushes and blessing your timeline, metaphorically.

It's Dylan O'Brien and Tyler Posey....dancing, enough said.

It's James Freakin' Marsters, the vampire girls should crush on instead of Edward Cullen. There is nothing hotter than a guy who gets himself a soul for you. 

I guess I have a thing for Jameses, because look at James Lafferty. I mean, who doesn't need a little Nathan Scott in their life? Am I right?

Chad Michael Murray as Tristan DuGray is honestly one of the most simultaneously frustrating and hottest characters of all time. Try to debate that, because you can't.

I love David Boreanez in any part, but he's just so beautiful and funny, he needed to be on this list.

And to wrap it up, last but not least, Colton Haynes. There is something wonderfully sinful about that boy's jawline.

So, hope I helped some of you guys with the stress of finals. If not, or you're one of my male readers, sorry, and Good Luck with all your finals. We can do it!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Sad for Myself...

Hey Everybody,

So, I'm not giving up on my blog, or anything silly like that, because it's sort of like my online diary that I share with all of you guys. I just want you guys to know that I would love some activity on my blog. A comment, an email, I'll even accept an e-mail saying you hate my blog, just something.

So far this has been me...

and this has been you guys....

So thanks for listening to my rant. Good luck with finals everyone!

Thoughts We All Have During Finals:

Hey everyone,

So here are the thoughts we experience as we transition through finals week, as told by the cast of One Tree Hill, and more specifically Nathan Scott, the character I most relate to during finals times.

When your friends check on you after the hours spent cramming:

When you're looking at a "supposedly" simple question:

When you think about giving up and need motivation:

When your professor adds on a last minute assignment:

When you get motivated to study for finals to ensure your future with bae or a future bae:

When you're close to accepting the probable failure:

When the prof said it was all on the study guide:

When the pressure is getting to you:

When you think there's no future after finals:

When you get your exam back and somehow passed:

Good Luck Everybody with their finals!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Love this Mashup!

Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to share this mash-up I've been studying to on repeat.

Good Luck on Finals!

To get you through....

Hey everyone,

The thoughts that goes through everyone's minds during finals week.

Good Luck, Everyone!